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How to Improve Your Mental Well-being Through the SCR Positive Cognitive Thinking Method™

Updated: Dec 1, 2022

The Proven Method of Permanent Positive Thinking Transformation

What Are The Top Seven Health Benefits of Positive Thinking?

  1. Positive Thinking Increases Longevity

  2. Positive Thinking Decreases Depression

  3. Positive Thinking Decreases Distress And Pain

  4. Positive Thinking Improves Resistance To Sickness And Disease

  5. Positive Thinking Improves Psychological And Physical Well-Being

  6. Positive Thinking Improves Physical Well-Being

  7. Positive Thinking Increases Coping Skills During Life Challenges

In recent years, researchers have become increasingly interested in Positive thinking and are exploring the correlation between positive thinking and mental and physical well-being. Why is this important? While their research is unclear why positive people experience better health and mental well-being. According to the Mayo Clinic, one theory is that having a positive outlook enables you to cope better with stressful circumstances. Also, when you experience lower stress levels, you have less cortisol entering your body, and lower cortisol levels lead to better physical health.

Additionally, when you have a positive attitude, you are more likely to make better rational decisions regarding your emotions, relationships, and external environments. When you are more relaxed, you can focus on exercising, eating healthy, and spending time in reflection. You will respond to external situations with higher levels of emotional intelligence, leading to more peaceful outcomes. You will tend to surround yourself with positive, like-minded people interested in personal growth and lead a high-performance life.

What is Positive Thinking?

"Positive thinking is the byproduct of your ability to manifest positive emotions into rational thought."

Positive thinking is the byproduct of your ability to manifest positive emotions into rational thought. Your thoughts become positive because the emotions behind your thoughts are:

  • Happy

  • Loving

  • Caring

  • Selfless

  • Giving

  • Thoughtful

  • Encouraging

  • Motivating

You have complete control over your emotions through the process of self-awareness and self-regulation. The more you fine-tune these skills, you will experience higher the level of positive thinking.

What is Negative Thinking?

"Negative thinking is the byproduct of your ability to manifest negative emotions into irrational thoughts."

On the contrary, negative thinking is the byproduct of your ability to manifest negative emotions into irrational thoughts. Your thoughts become negative because they are cultivated from negative emotions such as:

  • Anger

  • Jealousy

  • Bitterness

  • Hatred

  • Spitefulness

  • Selfishness

Likewise, you can control your negative emotions by exercising self-awareness and self-regulation.

SCR (Stop, Confront, Reframe) Positive Cognitive Thinking Method™

SCR is a proven method of permanent positive thinking transformation. By implementing the SCR Positive Cognitive Thinking Method™ designed by the Cognitive Thinking Lab®, you will improve your self-awareness and increase your ability to practice self-regulation to deal with negative emotions and thoughts effectively. As part of your active thought management, when you become aware of a negative thought, influence, or situation. You will use the SCR technique to stop, confront, and reframe.

  • Stop: When you begin to feel negative emotions rise or surface in your heart and your thoughts, you need to stop what you are doing immediately and take a moment to reflect on the source of the negative emotion or thoughts. By deciding to stop, you will take control of the situation, and you can take the following action to change your negativity into a positive outcome.

  • Confront: Now that you know the source of your negative emotion, you can confront yourself about why you are feeling this emotion. You can rationally look at it objectively and understand that in most cases, there is an insecurity that you need to deal with to permanently change this negative emotion or thought into a positive experience.

  • Reframe: Reframing your negative emotions and thoughts is the process that will allow you to make a permanent change in your outlook toward yourself, your relationships, and external situations. As you become more proficient in reframing negative thoughts into positive thoughts, you will experience greater levels of long-term positive thinking.

Reframing Example:

  • Negative Thought and Emotion

"I am angry at coworkers because they made disparaging remarks behind my back."

  • Positive Reframing Statement

"I am not concerned about what my coworkers say about me, and what they say about me is none of my business."

How Can The On-Purpose Growth Plan Help?

In my book, the On-Purpose High-Performance Growth Plan, I share cognitive-behavioral strategies and tools that will allow you to reduce your negativity and experience permanent positive thinking. By implementing these strategies and methods across your emotional, relational, and physical environments across your seven primary core personal development pillars; Emotional, Relational, Occupational, Financial, Health, Spiritual, and Spatial.

Is negative thinking stopping you from reaching your full potential? My goal is to provide you with cognitive-behavioral strategies and the tactical resources your need, including assessments and exercises to help you achieve a permanent positive cognitive growth transformation.

I hope you have enjoyed the encouraging message designed to inspire you to have a more significant impact and live a powerful high-performance life!

On-Purpose High-Performance Growth Plan is launching soon. To join the book launch team, Click Here

To inquire about Cognitive Thinking Lab speaking engagements, consulting and training programs, Click Here


Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2022, February 3). How to stop negative self-talk. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved June 30, 2022, from


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